Monday 6 April 2015

Long Distance Relationship


source: Google image

Today, I wanna going to post Long Distance Relationship's about (cuba pretend sebagai Dr.Love today). Some people said, the long distance relationship, or we called it as PJJ (Percintaan Jarak Jauh), as a no ending relationship and for sure, face the difficulties how's to sustain the relationship.

Memang secara factnya, saya tidak layak "berbicara" tentang ini, ya lah, I'm not married yet and doesn't have any certificates as a penceramah. Just to shared only (#myblogsukahatisayalahkan. it's trend ah, Hashtag). Okay, let's make it simple story. I'm with Ex (my partner) about 6 years already. both of us are 27 years old, means we started date masa umur kami 21 years old. Ya, kami berdua berjauhan, saya sini Malaya dan Ex di Sabah. This entry kira bagi some tips lah, hopefully berguna lah kan.
so, here we go;
1).  Technology. 
Almost current technology help us. We have many social chat right know such as Whatsapp, wechat etc. Handphone is one of gadget that most important in our relationship to make us always connected. Thanks to Alexander Graham Bell for his idea invented first phone in the world. Guna lah tecknologi untuk berhubung dengan orang tersayang ya, pelbagai plan sdh ada skng. No reason lah tidak berhubung at all, at least if both of u busy the whole day, text her/him anything (make sure yang sweet2 lah). This is show that we still care for each other. when weekend, just give few minutes to call her/him. Just to hear the voices.
p/s: Jangan tunjuk ego masing-masing siapa mau call duluan.

2). Make you self busy or focus on your job.
Sometimes, I'm quite jealous when saw couples hang out together, dating. That's feeling tend people felt more bored to his/her PJJ's relationship. Start lah tu find a spare part kan, hanya tuk mengisi kekosongan itu. Try used yourself busy or focus to your job or study first, pasti, after that when you reach home from your workplace or school, just to decide to rest the whole night and wake-up for next morning (macam tiada wawasan ja, at least kan).

3). Find or make friends with  same gender as many as possible.
Me as a women, try to make girlfriends as many as possible because during weekend or your bored time, we can hang out with them (doing crazy thingy together). That's make your life more merrier. Bagusnya tambah kenalan baru kan.
P/S: Gembira gembira juga tapi jangan lupa orang jauh. Make sure minta kebenaran dulu sebelum chilaxing with your girlfriends.
4) Join or participate any programs or activities.
During my study, I used my self join a Dance's club and participate Uni's or our course's programs. This is help you to relax your mind and kasi hilang rasa lonely-lonely tu. Plus, you can adds certificates yang kamu ada masa skng ini. Hehe. If you a religious person, try to join any activities at your punya tempat ibadat. Since I'm a religious person too, I used my self involved any church's activities as part of my compulsory activities. Siok ini. Boleh berkongsi berkat yang Tuhan bagi. 
P/S: supaya tidak lah menangis menonggeng sendiri2 kesunyian.

5). Your self-motivated.
Iya lah, pelbagai cara kamu untuk tidak rasa hubungan kamu tidak akan berpanjangan, if your mind already control you, fail juga lah resultnya. Try to ask yourself first, why both of you needs to separated in temporary, commitment you as a partner to him/her in your relationship, the goals in your relationship. If saja2 jawabnya, ehm itu tidak payah cakaplah kan. Ada problems jangan lari dari problems, you needs to terus terang and face it to find the solutions. Mesti ada rasa yakin pada pasangan masing2, no doubting, no jealousy, no negative mind and don't be over obsessed with your partner.

The most important is both of you believe in God. Keeps in faith together. Always pray for each other, the relationship, let's follow the God ways. For me, in searching a MR.Right , ask him/her whose the first place in her/his heart, if she/he answer "you". It's totally wrong, If you a believer, told her/him to put God in the first place in our heart before any name of human being. 
Mazmur 119: 127
"Itulah sebabnya aku mencintai perintah-perintahMu lebih
dari pada emas, bahkan dari pada emas tua."

Hannisth Jonney


  1. kalau PJJ tapi too clingy cmana?? kejap2 cari XD

    1. try to reduce the "clingy" syg, nti nangis x dpt cari, hee..
